AutoSys (TW) Co., Ltd. was established in 2018 as a wholly-owned subsidiary of AutoSys Co., Ltd., based in the British Overseas Territory of the Cayman Islands.
Our company aims to become a leading brand in the design and development of advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) and autonomous driving (ADV) perception subsystems/modules.

All our products are built on core technologies developed in-house by AutoSys, allowing us to have full control over the essential aspects. This enables us to collaborate with automotive manufacturers for customized modifications, fostering product differentiation and enhancing the overall value proposition of our offerings.
Organization Structure

- WPG Holdings : The largest electronics distributor in Asia and the world (TSE:3702)
- Sunplus Technology Co., Ltd. : A leading chip provider for multimedia and automotive applications (TSE:2401)
- GMT(Global Mixed-mode Technology) : A leading power IC provider for IT and 3C products (TSE:8081)
- ITIC(Industrial Technology Investment Co.): A venture capital operating out of Taiwan since in 1979, invested over 400 million USD
- COMPEQ Manufacturing Co., Ltd. : The first specialized printed-circuit board (PCB) manufacturing company in Taiwan (TSE:2313)